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Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Diet anda menjadikan anda cepat tua?

Diet saya boleh dikatakan seimbang, cuma perlu kurangkan sedikit di sini, dan tambah sedikit di sana.

1) At least drink 8 glasses of water and cut down my caffeine intake to two large cups of coffee a day. Caffeine dehydrates skin. If possible replace coffee with green tea coz it has skin-helping anti-oxidants.
Diet saya memang banyak minum kopi dan kurang minum air putih!

2) Cut down my sugar intake coz it can damage the skin collagen and cause increased oil production, cut down my salt intake cos it can cause puffy eyes. (I don't suffer from puffy eyes, yay!) How many to take? 10% of my daily calories and my sodium intake to less than 2,300 mg a day.
Diet saya memang minum minuman cukup manis dan makanan yang bergaram secukup rasa!

3) Increase my vitamin C intake such as oranges, kiwi, grapefruit, broccoli and peppers. Vitamin C stimulates collagen production (helps reduce wrinkles). How many to take? 75 mg a day (an orange has 78mg).
Diet saya hanya makan buah sekali-sekala saja!

4) Eat foods with high amount of carotenoids (protects skin from sunburn). Eat sweet potatoes, spinach, tomatoes, watermelon, cantaloupe, mangoes.
Memang banyak makan tomato dan suka buah mangga.

5) Increase omega-3 fats intake (get them from salmon, herring, trout and flex seed or walnuts). It helps hydrates skin and keep it soft and smooth. Aim for 1.1grams a day.
Walau apa pun memang banyak makan ikan.

6) Eat dark chocolate (rich with cocoa flavanols - contains anti-oxidants, keep skin softer and more hydrated). Eat natural cocoa. Dark chocholate is better than white or milk chocolate.
Hmm...kurang gemar makan coklat tapi suka makan nougat.

Bagaimana dengan anda? Ambillah test itu di sini.

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